Soil and Wetland Science Links
- A step by step visual guide to using Web Soil Survey (WSS) can be downloaded in PDF format here.
This is needed to populate the data fields in the methodology for HSG determinations.
- Here is the Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) field determination methodology which was approved by the MAPSS membership
at the Annual Meeting on March 13th, 2019. This methodology had a minor revision in December, 2019. A visual guide to Web Soil Survey is linked above.
- Faster HSG lookup method using WSS for 1) soil horizons of a typical soil series; 2) associated depths; 3) Ksat Low-Rv-High values. This is a 13.3 M 12 page PDF instructional manual
developed by MAPSS with significant assistance from NRCS.
- Hydrologic Soil Group (HSG) sample worksheet
- UPDATE TO FORM F from Bill Noble: Subject: Soil Logs for Soil Scientists
Attached is the updated long form (Form F
SS2) for logging deep excavations such as for documenting soil conditions
for stormwater basins and the short Form F for soil scientists. These
are a result of some comments that had been received from soil scientists doing work on site location projects, and due to an amendment to the
geologists and soil scientists licensing law in 2019.
Columns have been added for horizons and structure, and the terms consistency and mottling are replaced by consistence and redox, respectively, as they are understood to be preferred terms by the USDA.
Also, the title "certified" is replaced by "licensed" because of the law change.
Note that the regular DEP forms E and F have also been updated, and they can
be sent upon request.
Using these forms for DEP projects is suggested, not mandatory. You can use
your own forms as long as they include the same information, but I hope you
will find these forms useful.
Bill Noble can be reached for additional information.
- Regulatory guidance for soil criteria for site specific determinations for Prime Farmland and Farmland Soils of Statewide Importance is posted
here. USDA definitions of surface stoniness class p.141-142 (Soil Science Division Staff, 2017,
Soil Survey Manual: C. Ditzler, K. Scheffe, and H. C. Morgan (eds.), USDA Handbook 18, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C.).
- Official Soil Series Descriptions (OSDs)
- Field Book for Describing and Sampling Soils, version 3.0
- Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England, 2018
- National soil survey data including Online Web Soil Survey, Historical soil survey publications, Status and schedule, Laboratory and research data, and National Soil Characterization Data - National Soil Laboratory site specific data with search routines.
- Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States -A Guide for Identifying and Delineating Hydric Soils, Version 9.0, 2024
- Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Northcentral and Northeast Region, 2012
- Testing Wetland Delineation Indicators
in New England Boulder Fields, June 2012, by Robert W. Lichvar, Katherine E. Curtis, Jennifer J. Gillrich, and Lindsey E. Dixon
- The 2013 National Wetland Plant List. This interactive web site is described by Paul Minkin, U.S. A.C.O.E.: "By using the NWPL website, users can sort and download customized plant lists – e.g., just for the Northcentral/Northeast region, just Maine, or even just a county in Maine. This site will contain any changes that are made to plant names, indicators, etc. (we are already working on the 2014 update). There are also assorted other tools – photos to help with identification, county-level occurrence data, etc. – that are available on the site."
- MDEP NRPA Identification Guide for Rivers, Streams, and Brooks,
dated 6/2/2018. This is additional guidance on stream determinations in the State of Maine.
- Ksat Values For New Hampshire Soils, 2010
- Site-Specific Soil Mapping Standards For New Hampshire And Vermont, 2011
- Standards For A High Intensity Soil Map New Hampshire, 2008
- Web Soil Survey for the U.S. Follow these instructions.
- Soil Science Society of Northern New England
- MDEP Bureau of Land & Water Quality
- School of Food and Agriculture at the University of Maine at Orono
- Maine Geological Survey with numerous mapping products of interest.
- The Home Page of the Maine Association of Wetland Scientists (MAWS)
- Visit or volunteer with the University of Maine Herbarium
- Maine State Soil Website - the CHESUNCOOK series