Results and Write-up for September 1st, 2005 joint MAPSS/MASE Workshop The first two photos below are from soil pit #1. A Boothbay MWD taxadjunct (because Boothbay is FINE SILTY in the particle size control section (PSCS), and field texturing did not indicate greater than 18% clay content). The profile did not classify as an Elmwood soil series because Elmwood soils have sandy loam textures above the lithologic discontinuity. Therefore, the closest match was Boothbay. The following 6 photographs are from soil pit #2. This was classified as a Marlow taxadjunct because the Bs horizons did not meet the spodic criteria. The following two photos are from soil pit #3. This was classified as an Adams MWD taxadjunct because the substratum consisted of flowtill underlain by dense basal till. Flowtill is a resedimented basal till that displays soft sediment deformation, load structures, water escape structures, and shear structure. Flowtill is commonly found where dense basal till was deposited subaqueously - below the marine limit. The soil scientists observed redoximorphic features beginning at 29 inches below surface. If any members have more photos or discussion to add, please E-mail below.