
| DIRECTORY UPDATED ON February 13th, 2024 |

STATE BOARD LICENSING L.S.S. = Maine Licensed Soil Scientist; L.S.E. = Licensed Site Evaluator; C.W.S. = Certified Wetland Scientist; L.P.F. = Licensed Professional Forester; P.L.S. = Professional Land Surveyor; P.E. = Professional Engineer; C.G. = Certified Geologist; N.R.C.S. = NRCS soil scientist for >3 yrs.
(Last, First) U.S. Postal Service mailing address (O=Office; C=Cell) By Subject By State / Region
Babine, Dick 355 Cedar Breeze North, Glenburn, ME 04401 207 852-7898 (o); (c) L.S.S. # 179;
Bakajza, George Bakajza Environmental P.O. Box 420, Greenville Junction, ME 04442 207 534-9748 (o); 207 944-7082 (c) L.S.S. # 230; CPSS # 03190; ME Cert. Nutrient Mgmt. Planning Spec. land use planning, site evaluation, soil & water conservation, soil erosion and sediment control, soil fertility, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Piscataquis and Somerset Counties
Banaitis, Michael Power Engineers, Inc. 303 U.S. Route 1, Suite 2A, Freeport, ME 04032 207 869-1263 (O); 207 754-9314(C) L.S.S. # 522; CPESC AutoCAD, forest soils, GIS, soil mapping, residual sludge application, soil chemistry, soil erosion & sediment control, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess.
Biddle, Anna Sebago Technics, Inc. 75 John Roberts Rd., Suite 4A, South Portland, ME 04106 207.200.2100 (O); 207.200.2052 (direct); 207.659.2556 (mobile) L.S.S. # 639 Environmental Scientist/Permitting Specialist
Brewer, Dale Statewide Surveys, Inc. 35 Eastman Road, Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107 207 767-4200 (O); 207 939-3303 (C) L.S.S. # 304; P.L.S. # 2348 AutoCAD, GIS, soil & water conservation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine
Briggs, Russell SUNY College of Env. Science 241 Illick Hall, One Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210 315 470-6989 forest soils New England & New York
Broadwater, Ian Broadwater Environmental, LLC 18 Grand St., South Portland, Maine 04106 207 653-8737 L.S.S. # 305, Maine LSE, NHCWS
Burman, Aleita Burman Land & Tree Company, LLC P.O.Box 145, Orrington, ME 04474 207 825-4050 (O); 207 385-6056 (C); 207 825-4050 (FAX) L.S.S. # 430; LSE # 344; C.W.S. # ___(NH) site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. New England
Butler, Nick USDA-NRCS 42 Engdahl Drive, Dover Foxcroft, ME 04426 207 802-4007 (o); 207 355-5905 NRCS
Carpenter, Andrew Northern Tilth P.O. Box 361, Belfast, ME 04915 207 338-5500 (O); 207 323-2269 (C); 207 338-8833 (FAX) L.S.S. # 450; Nutrient Management Plans, Soil Health Management Plans, Carbon Sequestration and Carbon Accounting, Composting and Soil Amendments New England
Cobb, Bonnie Stewart's Soil and Septic 73 Quaker Ridge Rd, Durham, ME 04222 207 899-8397 L.S.S. # 469 site evaluation, soil mapping Portland and Lewiston areas
Coppi, Chris Coppi Environmental, LLC P.O. Box 226, Hollis, ME 04042 207 756 3245 L.S.S. 631, LSE- 403, NHCWS- 291 Wetland Delineation, Functional Assessments, Site Evaluations and Soil Mapping
Cuomo, Mike Michael Cuomo, Soil Scientist 6 York Pond Rd., York, ME 03909 207 363-4532 (O); 207 475-7093 (C); 207 363-4532 (FAX) L.S.S. # 211; C.S.S. (NH) # ___; L.S.E. (state) # ___ site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine & NH
Doiron, Adam Doiron Environmental, LLC 720 Brown's Ridge Rd., Ossipee, NH 03864 603 581-4478 (C) L.S.S. #470; ME LSE #388; NH CSS #89; NH CWS #229; NH Septic Designer Permit #1484; CPESC #3257 AutoCAD, site evaluation, soil mapping, soil erosion & sediment control, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine & NH
Donohue, Sean Maine Turnpike Authority 2360 Congress Street Portland, ME 04102 207 482-8275 (O); 207 253-5596 (FAX); 207 232-7130 (C) L.S.S. # 549; LSE #356; NH CWS #231
Dorion, Chris C.C. Dorion Geological Services, LLC 200 High Street, Suite #1C, Portland, ME 04101 207 944-9049 (CELL) L.S.S. # 454; ME C.G. # 485; NH C.G. # 795; MDEP Cert. Erosion & Sediment. Control Practices; Accredited Organic Land Care Professional AutoCAD, bedrock geology, GIS, groundwater hydrology, land use planning, soil mapping, surficial geology, soil erosion & sediment control, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Northeastern U.S.
Dorman, Matthew USDA - NRCS 344 Merrow Rd, Tolland, CT 04426 860 936-8772 NRCS Coastal Zone Soil Survey, Subaqueous & Wetland Sampling/Mapping, Soil Chemistry, Soil Hydrology, Blue Carbon Sampling, GIS Digitizing, Georeference, Spatial Analysis, LIDAR, PRISM, Digital Soil Mapping Sub-Team Northeastern U.S.
Erich, Susan University of Maine 5763 Rogers Hall, Orono, ME 04469 207 581-2997 (o) 207 299-2896 (c) 207 581-2999 (FAX)
Fernandez, Ivan University of Maine 5722 Deering Hall, Orono, ME 04479 207 581-2932; 207 944-6330 (c); 207 581-22875 (FAX) L.S.S. # 183 forest soils, soil chemistry Maine
Frick, Albert Albert Frick Associates, Inc. 380B Main Street, Gorham, ME 04038 207 839-5563 (O); 207 415-4214 (C); 207 839-5564 (FAX) L.S.S. # 66 AutoCAD, land use planning, residual sludge application, site evaluation, soil mapping, soil erosion & sediment control, wetland delineation Maine
Fullerton, Gary Sebago Technics 75 John Roberts Road – Suite 1A, South Portland, ME 04106-6963 207 200-2063 (direct); 207 232-1758 (C); 207 856-2206 (FAX) L.S.S. # 462; L.S.E. # 355; NH C.W.S. # 246 land use planning, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine and New Hampshire
Gardner, Kenneth R. JRK Soils, Inc. P.O. Box 291, Limington, ME 04049 207 637-2260 (O); 207 807-7252 (C) L.S.S. # 61
Good, Stephen Good Realty LLC 102 Hickory Hill Drive, Boyce, LA 71409 318 448-6111 (o); 318 447-6686 (c) L.S.S. # 172; CPSS # 2506
Gramlich, Mike P.O. Box 284, Holden, ME 04429 207 843-6395 (o) ; 207 570-4987 (c) L.S.S. # 331 site evaluation, soil mapping Penobscot & Hancock Counties
Granger, Greg USDA - NRCS 21 Enterprise Drive, Augusta, ME 04330 207 622-7847 L.S.S. # 331 NRCS
Green, Richard L.S.S. # 573
Hampton, Mark Mark Hampton Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1931, Portland, ME 04104-1931 207 756-2900 (O); 207 773-0667 (FAX) L.S.S. # 216 land use planning, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine
Howell, Steve Soil Solutions 276 Hoxie Hill Road, Orrington, ME 04474 207 825-4792 (o); 207 356-7150 (c) L.S.S. # 187; L.S.E. # 213, CPSS # 2032 forest soils, site evaluation, land use planning, soil mapping, pedology, soil erosion & sediment control New England
Jakubowski, Michael L.S.S. # 623 d
Jenkins, Anthony USDA - NRCS 967 Illinois Ave, Bangor State Office, ME 04426 207 717-0422 (c) MAINE STATE SOIL SCIENTIST; CPSS # 24719 NRCS, forest soils, pedology, soil chemistry, soil & water conservation, soil mapping Maine
Jones, Amy Amy Jones, Soil Services 3330 Bennoch Road, Alton, ME 04468 207 394-3065 (o); 207 356-4717 (c) L.S.S. # 499; L.S.E. # 383 site evaluation, soil mapping Maine
HONORARY MEMBER: Kalloch, Norman HCR 68 Box 543, North New Portland, ME 04961 207 628-4023 Maine
Kelshaw, Rodney Stantec 30 Park Drive Topsham, ME 04086 207 406-5485 (o); 207 944-6776 (c); 207-729-2715 (FAX) L.S.S. # 552; L.S.E. # 371; CPESC land use planning, site evaluation, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. New England
Knapp, Corinne P.O. Box 324, Monson, ME 04464 207 997-7058 (O); 207 343-0518 (C) L.S.S. # 260 land use planning, residual sludge application, soil erosion & sediment control, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine
Knapp, Dale BRI Environmental 30 Danforth St. Suite 213 Porland, ME 04101 207-631-9134 (C) L.S.S. # 479
HONORARY MEMBER: LaFlamme, Kenneth J. 113 Highland Ave., Old Town, ME 04468-1936 207 827-7467 Maine
Langley, Samantha Northern Kentucky University Nunn Drive, UC 415 Highland heights, KY 41099 859 572-7567 (o); 207 347-1173 (c)
Logan, James Longview Partners LLC. 6 Second Street, Buxton, ME 04093 207 639-8799 (O); 207 415-6784 (C); 207 839-5564 (FAX) L.S.S. # 213 land use planning, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, soil erosion & sediment control Maine
Lord, Jack Jack W. Lord Soil Tests, Inc. P.O. Box 60, Palermo, ME 04354 207 445-3402 (O); 207 861-2160 (C); 207 445-3149 (FAX) L.S.S. # 328 site evaluation Maine
Marceau, David 82 Higgins Road North, Searsmont, ME 04973 207 505-5131 (C); 207 342-2400 (FAX) L.S.S. # 182; L.S.E. # 246; C.S.S. # 25 (NH); C.W.S. # 74 (NH) forest soils, pedology, residual sludge application, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. southern Maine for most projects
Marceau, Natalie Gartley & Dorsky Engineering & Surveying P.O. Box 1031, Camden, ME 04843 207 236-4365 (o) 207 596-3031 (c) 207 236-3055 (FAX) L.S.S. # 613
Mariano, Michael Highland Soil Services 75 Prospect Street, Somersworth, NH 03878 603 692-4457 (O); 603 692-4457 (FAX) L.S.S. # 192; L.S.E. # 219; NH C.S.S. # 076; NH C.W.S. # 183; NH Septic System Designer #941; SWS Professional Wetland Scientist #1092 soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland function & value assessments, septic system design in ME & NH
Moyse, David Moyse Environmental Services, Inc. 42 Pleasant View Ave., Bangor, ME 04401 207 945-6179 (O); 207 299-6697 (FAX); 207 433-7225 (FAX) L.S.S. # 195; L.S.E. # 264 land use planning & permitting, site evaluation, soil mapping, forest soils, soil fertility, wetland delineation & functional assessment northern New England
Noble, Bill 2111 West River Road, Sidney, ME 04330 207 547-3252 (o); 207 215-1792 (c) M.C.S.S. # 177; L.S.E. #
Noel, Joseph P.O. Box 174, South Berwick, ME 03908 207 384-5587 L.S.S. # 209; L.S.E. # 221; CPSS/SC # 2671; C.S.S. # 017 (NH); C.W.S. # 086(NH); Licensed Septic System Designer #1104 (NH) site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine & New Hampshire
Pellerin, Ted Ted Pellerin Site Evaluation 48 W. Main St., Monroe, ME 04951 207 525-3247 (o); 207 322-2233 L.S.S. # 255; L.S.E. # ___ site evaluation
Perkins, Greg Greg Perkins Soil Consultants, Inc. P.O. Box 1233, Holden, ME 04429 207 843-6013 (O); 207 735-6013 (C); 207 843-6013 (FAX) L.S.S. # 178; L.S.E. # 096 land use planning, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation Maine
Phillips, Donald Phillips EcoService 213 Pattee Road, Monroe, ME 04951 207 525-0930 (O); (C) Provided upon request L.S.S. # 384 Land Use Planning, Soil Mapping, Wetland Delineation & Functional Assessments, Vernal Pool Permitting, Natural Resource Investigations
Rendall, Nancy Blue Moon Environmental, Inc. P.O. Box 368, Concord, NH 03302 603 856-6391(C) L.S.S. # 543
Rocque, David Maine Dept. of Agriculture State House Station #28, Augusta, ME 04333 207 287-2666 (O); 207 215-4918 (C); 207 287-7548 (FAX) L.S.S. # 181; L.S.E. # ___ site evaluation, soil & water conservation, soil erosion & sediment control, soil mapping, wetland delineation Maine
Silver, David County Site Evaluation P.O. Box 12, Presque Isle, Maine 04769 (207) 551-0011 L.S.S. # 280; L.S.E. # 303; WWTPO # 592; MeNMP # 387 DEP permitting, aerial & forensic photography. Landscape change, soil carbon sequestration. New England
St. Amand, Roger Atlantic Resource Co., LLC P.O. Box 76, 188 Harbor Drive Bass Harbor, ME 04653 207 944-7288 (C) L.S.S. # 471; L.S.E. # 360; LPF; PWS; CPESC AutoCAD, GIS, groundwater hydrology, land use planning, pedology, site evaluation, soil mapping, soil chemistry, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine
Stratton, Kenneth Main-Land Development Consultants P.O. Box 375, Winthrop, ME 04346 207 897-6752 (O); 207 491-1146 (C); 207 897-5404 (FAX) L.S.S. # 501; L.S.E. # ___ land use planning, pedology, site evaluation, soil erosion & sediment control, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. Maine
Szillery, Johanna Haley Ward, Inc. One Merchants Plaza, Suite 701, Bangor, ME 04401 207 989-4824 (O); 207 991-8867(C); 207 989-4881(FAX) L.S.S. # 494 forest soils, land use planning pedology, plant taxonomy, soil chemistry, soil erosion & sediment control, soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. New England
Turcotte, David Retired 10 River Road, Norridgewock ME 04957 207 249-8302 (C) NRCS forest soils, pedology, soil mapping Maine
Verrill, Bruce D. Verrill Group, Inc. 234 Hill Top Road, Chesterville, ME 04938 207 293-3890 (o); 207 778-8898 (c) L.S.S. # 32, L.S.E. # ___; Licensed Real Estate Broker land use planning, site evaluation, soil chemistry, soil & water conservation, soil erosion & sediment control, soil mapping
Vile, Robert Robert Vile Soil Consulting, Inc. P.O. Box 114, Dixmont, ME 04932 207 234-2451 (O); 207 745-9205 (C); 207 233-2686 (FAX) L.S.S. # 201; L.S.E. # ___ land use planning, pedology, residual sludge application, site evaluation, soil mapping, wetland delineation Maine
West, Jennifer Retired P.O. Box 196, Islesboro, ME 04848 207 837-3191 (C) L.S.S. # 215; C.W.S. # 15 (NH); CPSS 03164 soil mapping, wetland delineation, wetland func. assess. northeastern U.S.
Whitney, Eric ) L.S.S. # 610 .
Wilkinson, David USDA - NRCS 252 Gammon Road, Buckfield, ME 04220 207 744-3115 (O); 207 461-2451 (C) NRCS; CPSS 24754 forest soils, pedology, soil mapping Maine
